The Project

AgrI-fiSh intends to increase the environmental and socio-economic performances of small-scale farming systems (aquaculture and agriculture) thought the development of an innovative system, which will help in improving organizational aspects of the agri-systems and creating a new value chain governance model at the local levels. The AgrI-fiSh project will contribute to the transition to a more resilient agro-livelihood system through an innovative circular farming system, which promotes an efficient use of biological and natural resources with a valuable increase in productivity. New potential for farms, agri-food systems and local markets will arise from the valorization of wastes issued from organic and Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), to be used for the creation of high-value feeds for a sustainable aquaculture. Nutraceutical potential of such agricultural wastes (i.e from grape seeds, legumes and cereals), in combination with other components (LABs from whey and medicinal herbs) are used to create plant-based feeds for aquaculture, which will foster animal and human health with consequent benefits for the environment, local economies and consumers.

Aquaculture firm "Cappa" in the Marche Region (Italy)

Goals and Objectives

This project aims to present a solution by setting a virtuous system, limiting negative impacts (e.g. use of antibiotics and pesticides) and introducing sustainable local farming approaches. Another aspect to consider relates to waste management in the sector. In fact, agricultural wastes’ reuse has multiple benefits. Economically, agricultural wastes represent a cost for farmers (disposal and transport) and AgrI-fiSh constitutes a concrete and profitable solution for their wastes’ management. The amount of waste from food processing is estimated to be about 15% of the total production; particularly, wine making wastes have a high incidence in terms of volume, i.e., about 8% of the total. From literature, such wastes, especially grape seeds, have demonstrated nutraceutical potential in animal and human well-being. In addition, sustainable cultivation of legumes improves soil fertility, limits use of water in agriculture and contributes to reduce GHG emissions. AgrI-fiSh, throughout a circular economy approach, will boost organic agriculture, while contributing to achieve the European goal of 25% of land dedicated to organic farming, and increasing ecosystem services provided by sustainable agriculture and aquaculture. In addition, the project focuses on the valorization of agricultural wastes (e.g. agricultural products that cannot be commercialized due to market imperfections), deriving from sustainable agriculture. AgrI-fiSh will boost food safety in line with EU and international legislation on plant health and food security, and to the public opinion, sensitive to the limitation of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. The project will provide consumers with high quality fish (trout in Italy and Spain and tilapia in Algeria), for the human and enviornment well-being, throughout a One Health approach.

Create innovative plant based feeds, rich in biocompunds and polyphenols, for inland aquaculture deriving form agricultural wastes. Limit the use of antibiotics in aquaculture and pesticides in agriculture. Use of medicinal herbs from Algeria, which are used in the fish feeds in order to increase the immune system of fish. Development of a natural ingredient based on goat whey fermented by LABs, to be incorporated in the feed composition to reduce the fungal contamination and the mycotoxins production in products destined to the aquacultural market. The whey will come from goats raised in Spain in rural areas with sustainable farming. Create a virtuous, sustainable and cost-effective circular system for the uptake of local communities.